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Released March 16, 2021

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Life has no manual. But Gradual Education Development, Development of Self is something we arguably need. Within this book, you will implement the six learning objectives;

  1. Self Reflection

  2. Conflict & Solutions

  3. Goals & Motivation

  4. Application

  5. Reassessment

  6. Purpose

These learning objectives are the foundation that defines the GED of self. The term GED is better known as a General Education Diploma. Students of traditional schools receive diplomas. Those who chose a different path receive a GED, which shows a level of knowledge equivalent to a high school graduate. Being that this book is not in a traditional approach to learning, the GED concept was born. As you follow this book, you will develop some perspectives and concepts that can change the way you define yourself.

You can also text GED to 855 691 4921 for direct links to Gradual Education Development.